The AIMS program

A module which contains the main program for AIMS as well as various classes which intervene when calculating the priors and likelihood function:

  • Distribution: a class which represents a probability distribution

  • Prior_list: a class with a list of priors

  • Mode: a class used to represent observed modes

  • Combination: a class used to represent a linear frequency combination

  • Combination_function: a class used to represent functions of frequency combinations

  • Likelihood: a class used to represent the likelihood function

  • Probability: a class which groups the priors and likelihood function together

This module relies on the emcee package to apply an MCMC algorithm which will return a representative sample of models for a given set of seismic an classic constraints.


In various places in this module, for instance in the Prior_list and Likelihood classes, various methods return what is described as a \(\chi^2\) value. Technically, these are not \(\chi^2\) values, but rather \(-\chi^2/2\), i.e. the argument of the exponential function which intervenes in the Gaussian probability distribution.

class AIMS.Combination[source]

A class which contains indices and coefficients which represent a linear combination of frequencies.

add_coeff(j, coeff)[source]

Append the given index and coefficient to the list of indices and coefficients.

  • j (int) – index of the mode

  • coeff (float) – coefficient used in the frequency combination


Coefficients of the linear combination of frequencies.


Find the value associated with this frequency combination using the input frequencies.


freq (float array like) – list of frequencies


Indices in of the linear combination of frequencies.


Print frequency combination.


Value of the linear combination of frequencies.

class AIMS.Combination_function(_name, _function, _gradient_function, _offset=0.0)[source]

A class which applies functions to linear frequency combinations.


Append a frequency combination to this combination function.


combination (Combination) – a linear frequency combination


The frequency combinations which intervene in the function.


Find the value and gradient of this frequency combination function for the input set of frequencies.


freq (float array like) – list of frequencies


The function which is applied to the frequency combinations.


The gradient of the frequency combination function at the observed frequencies.


The gradient of the function which is applied to the frequency combinations.


Human-readable name of the frequency combination function


Additive offset for the frequency combination function.


Print frequency combination function.


Value of the frequency combination function at the observed frequencies.

class AIMS.Distribution(_type, _values)[source]

A class which represents a probability distribution, and can yield its value for a given input parameter, or provide a random realisation.


Derived from a class originally written by G. Davies.

  • _type (string) – type of probability function (current options include “Gaussian”, “Truncated_gaussian”, “Uniform”, “IMF1”, “IMF2”, “Uninformative”, “Above”, “Below”)

  • _values (list of floats) – list of parameters relevant to the probability function

property error_bar

Returns an error bar based on the distribution. This does not necessarily correspond to the one-sigma value but rather to what is the most convenient value.


the error bar

Return type


property mean

Returns the mean value of the probability distribution.


the mean value of the probability distribution

Return type


property nparams

Return the number of relevant parameters for a given distribution.


the number of relevant parameters

Return type



Print type and parameters of probability distribution.


Re-centre the probability distribution around the input value.


value (float) – new value around which to centre the distribution


Re-normalise the probability distribution so that its characteristic width corresponds to the input value.


value (float) – new value around for the chacteristic width


Return random values which statistically follow the probability distribution.


size (int or tuple of ints) – shape of random variates


a set of random realisations

Return type



Produce nice string representation of the distribution.


nice string representation of the distribution

Return type



Type of probability function (“Uniform”, “Gaussian”, “Truncated_gaussian”, “IMF1”, “IMF2”, “Uninformative”, “Above”, or “Below”)


List of parameters relevant to probability function

class AIMS.Likelihood[source]

A class which described the likelihood function and allows users to evaluate it.


Inverse of R matrix from the WhoSGlAd method (see Eqs. (D.5) and (D.10) from Farnir et al. (2019))


The first index corresponds to the p vector whereas the second index corresponds to the normalised q vector.

add_combinations(string, num_list, den_list=[], target_ell=None)[source]

This finds the indices of modes which intervene in a frequency combination or ratio, as specified by the mandatory and optional arguments. These indices, the relevant coefficients, the numerator, the denominator, and the resultant value of the combination are stored in the combination_functions variable.

  • string (string) – name of the frequency combination

  • num_list (list of (int,int,float)) – list of relative mode identifications and coefficients used to define a frequency combination or the numerator of a frequency ratio. This list contains tuples of the form (delta n, delta l, coeff).

  • den_list (list of (int,int,float)) – list of relative mode identifications and coefficients used to define the denominator of a frequency ratio. If absent, then, it is assumed that a linear combination of frequencies is represented. The form is the same as for num_list.

  • target_ell (int) – this is used to impose a specific l value on the first selected mode.


Add a supplementary constraint to the list of constraints.


constraint ((string, Distribution)) – supplementary constraint

add_dnu_constraint(string, l_targets=[0])[source]

Add the large frequency separation as a contraint. The coefficients are obtained via a least-squares approach. The approach taken here has two advantages:

  1. Correlations between the large frequency separation and other seismic constraints will be taken into account.

  2. The same modes will be used in the same way, both for the observations and the models.

  • string (string) – name of this seismic constraint

  • l_targets (list of int) – specifies for which l values the large frequency separation is to be calculated. If None is supplied, all modes will be used.


This uses an analytical approach and is therefore the prefered method.

add_dnu_constraint_matrix(string, l_targets=[0])[source]

Add the large frequency separation as a contraint. The coefficients are obtained via a least-squares approach. The approach taken here has two advantages:

  1. Correlations between the large frequency separation and other seismic constraints will be taken into account.

  2. The same modes will be used in the same way, both for the observations and the models.

  • string (string) – name of this seismic constraint

  • l_targets (list of int) – specifies for which l values the large frequency separation is to be calculated. If None is supplied, all modes will be used.


This uses a matrix approach and is therefore not the prefered method.

add_nu_min_constraint(string, target_ell=0, pos=0, min_n=False)[source]

Add the minimun frequencies/modes of a specific ell value as a seismic constraint. Typically, such constraints are used as an “anchor” when combined with constraints based on frequency ratios.

  • string (string) – name of the seismic constraint

  • target_ell (int) – ell value of the minimum frequency/mode

  • pos (int) – position of desired frequency (0 = lowest, 1 = second lowest …)

  • min_n (boolean) – if False, look for minimum observational frequency. If True, look for minimum radial order.


Add seismic contraints based on the keyword given in string.


string (string) –

keyword which specifies the type of constraint to be added. Current options include:

  • nu: individual frequencies

  • nu0: individual frequencies (radial modes only)

  • nu_min0: radial mode with minimum frequency

  • nu_min1: radial mode with second lowest frequency

  • nu_min2: radial mode with third lowest frequency

  • r02: \(r_{02}\) frequency ratios

  • r01: \(r_{01}\) frequency ratios

  • r10: \(r_{10}\) frequency ratios

  • dnu: individual large frequency separations (using all modes)

  • dnu0: individual large frequency separations (using radial modes only)

  • d2nu: second differences (using all modes)

  • avg_dnu: average large frequency separation (using all modes)

  • avg_dnu0: average large frequency separation (using radial modes only)

  • whosglad_dnu: WhoSGlAd version of average large frequency separation (all modes)

  • whosglad_dnu0: WhoSGlAd version of average large frequency separation (l=0 modes)

  • whosglad_dnu1: WhoSGlAd version of average large frequency separation (l=1 modes)

  • whosglad_r01: WhoSGlAd version of average r01 frequency ratio

  • whosglad_r02: WhoSGlAd version of average r02 frequency ratio

  • whosglad_Delta01: WhoSGlAd Delta01 seismic constraint

  • whosglad_Delta02: WhoSGlAd Delta02 seismic constraint

  • whosglad_eps0: WhoSGlAd average frequency offset (l=0 modes)

  • whosglad_eps1: WhoSGlAd average frequency offset (l=1 modes)

  • whosglad_AHe: WhoSGlAd amplitude indicator for helium content

  • whosglad_Abcz: WhoSGlAd amplitude indicator for the base of the convection zone

add_whosglad_AHe_constraint(string, maxpower=2)[source]

Add a seismic constraint which provides a normalised He glitch amplitude using the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019). This approach has the advantage of leading to (near) orthogonal seismic indicators.

  • string (string) – name of this seismic constraint

  • maxpower (int) – maximum power in Pj(n)=n^j polynomial

add_whosglad_Abcz_constraint(string, maxpower=2)[source]

Add a seismic constraint which provides a normalised glitch amplitude for the base of the convection zone using the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019). This approach has the advantage of leading to (near) orthogonal seismic indicators.

  • string (string) – name of this seismic constraint

  • maxpower (int) – maximum power in Pj(n)=n^j polynomial

add_whosglad_Delta_constraint(string, l_target, maxpower=2)[source]

Add a ratio of large frequency separations as a contraint using the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019). This approach has the advantage of leading to (near) orthogonal seismic indicators.

  • string (string) – name of this seismic constraint

  • l_target (int) – specifies for which l to calculate the average Delta constraint.

  • maxpower (int) – maximum power in Pj(n)=n^j polynomial

add_whosglad_dnu_constraint(string, l_targets=[0], maxpower=2)[source]

Add an average large frequency separation as a contraint using the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019). This approach has the advantage of leading to (near) orthogonal seismic indicators.

  • string (string) – name of this seismic constraint

  • l_targets (list of int) – specifies for which l values the large frequency separation is to be calculated. If None is supplied, all modes will be used.

  • maxpower (int) – maximum power in Pj(n)=n^j polynomial

add_whosglad_epsilon_constraint(string, l_target, maxpower=2)[source]

Add an average frequency offset as a contraint using the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019). This approach has the advantage of leading to (near) orthogonal seismic indicators.

  • string (string) – name of this seismic constraint

  • l_target (int) – specifies for which l to calculate the average epsilon offset.

  • maxpower (int) – maximum power in Pj(n)=n^j polynomial

add_whosglad_ratio_constraint(string, l_target, maxpower=2)[source]

Add an average frequency ratio as a contraint using the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019). This approach has the advantage of leading to (near) orthogonal seismic indicators.

  • string (string) – name of this seismic constraint

  • l_target (int) – specifies for which l to calculate the average frequency ratio.

  • maxpower (int) – maximum power in Pj(n)=n^j polynomial


Calculate a \(\chi^2\) value for the set of constraints (excluding seismic constraints based on mode frequencies).


my_model (model.Model) – model for which the \(\chi^2\) value is being calculated


the \(\chi^2\) value deduced from classic constraints

Return type



Assign the radial orders based on proximity to theoretical frequencies from an input model.


my_model (model.Model) – input model


Absolute weight to be applied to classic constraints (incl. nu_max constraint).


This clears the seismic constraints. Specifically, the list of seismic combinations, and associated covariance matrix and its inverse are reinitialised.


2D float array with the coefficients for each frequency combination. The indices are:

  1. The index of the term

  2. The cumulative index of the frequency combination


This contains functions of frequency combinations.

compare_frequency_combinations(my_model, mode_map, a=[])[source]

This finds a \(\chi^2\) value based on a comparison of frequency combination functions, as defined in the combination_function variable.

  • my_model (model.Model) – model for which the \(\chi^2\) value is being calculated

  • mode_map (list of int) – a mapping which relates observed modes to theoretical ones

  • a (array-like) – parameters of surface correction terms


the \(\chi^2\) value for the seismic constraints

Return type



I’m assuming none of the modes are missing (i.e. that mode_map doesn’t contain the value -1)


List of constraints which intervene in the likelihood function.

construct_whosglad_basis(maxpower=2, glitchpower=- 5)[source]

Construct orthogonal basis for the smooth component of a pulsation spectrum using the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalisation method as described in the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019).

  • maxpower (int) – maximum power in Pj(n)=n^j polynomial

  • glitchpower (int) – lower power used in Helium glitch component


Covariance matrix which intervenes when calculating frequency combinations.


Create array form of frequency combination functions to be used with a fortran based routine for calculating the seismic chi^2 value.


Create arrays with mode parameters (n, l, freq), which can be interfaced with fortran methods more easily.

dot_product_whosglad(v1, v2)[source]

Dot product used for constructing an orthonormal set of seismic indicators using the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019).

  • v1 (float np.array) – a vector of frequencies (or some polynomial of the radial order)

  • v2 (float np.array) – a vector of frequencies (or some polynomial of the radial order)


the dot product between v1 and v2

Return type



Calculate ln of likelihood function (i.e. a \(\chi^2\) value) for a given model.


my_model (model.Model) – model for which the \(\chi^2\) value is being calculated


the \(\chi^2\) value, optionally the optimal surface amplitudes (depending on the value of AIMS_configure.surface_option), integers to indicate whether the model was rejected due to classic or seismic contraints

Return type

float, np.array (optional), int, int


This avoids model interpolation and can be used to gain time.


This prepares the covariance matrix and its inverse based on the frequency combinations in combination_functions.


This method should be called after all of the methods which add to the list of frequency combinations.

find_l_list(l_targets, npowers=2)[source]

Find a list of l values with the following properties:

  • each l value only occurs once

  • each l value given in the parameter l_targets is in the result l list, except if there is less than npowers modes with this l value

  • if the parameter l_targets is None, look for all l values with npowers or more modes associated with them

  • l_targets (list of int) – input list of l values

  • npowers (int) – the number of powers in the fit


new list of l values with the above properties

Return type

list of int

find_map(my_model, use_n)[source]

This finds a map which indicates the correspondance between observed modes and theoretical modes from my_model.

  • my_model – model for which the \(\chi^2\) value is being calculated

  • use_n (boolean) – specify whether to use the radial order when finding the map from observed modes to theoretical modes. If False, the map is based on frequency proximity.


the correspondance between observed and theoretical modes from the above model, and the number of observed modes which weren’t mapped onto theoretical modes

Return type

list of int, int


  • a value of -1 is used to indicate that no theoretical mode corresponds to a particular observed mode.

  • only zero or one observed mode is allowed to correspond to a theoretical mode


This finds a set of coefficients which intervene when constructing the coviance matrix for frequency combination functions.


a_combination_function (Combination_function) – variable which specifies the frequency combination function.


the above set of coefficients

Return type



Find absolute weights for seismic and classic constraints based on options in


Find absolute weights for seismic and classic constraints based on options in


Array with the observed frequencies

get_optimal_surface_amplitudes(my_model, mode_map)[source]

Find optimal surface correction amplitude, for the surface correction specified by surface_option.

  • my_model (model.Model) – the model for which we’re finding the surface correction amplitude

  • mode_map (list of int) – a mapping which relates observed modes to theoretical ones


optimal surface correction amplitudes

Return type



Guess the large frequency separation based on the radial modes.


with_n (boolean) – specifies whether to use the n values already stored with each mode, when calculating the large frequency separation.


the large frequency separation

Return type



Guess the radial order of the observed pulsations modes.

This method uses the large frequency separation, as calculated with guess_dnu(), to estimate the radial orders. These orders are subsequently adjusted to avoid multiple modes with the same identification. The resultant radial orders could be off by a constant offset, but this is not too problematic when computing frequency combinations or ratios.


2D int array with the mode indices for each frequency combination. The indices are:

  1. The index of the term

  2. The cumulative index of the frequency combination


Inverse of covariance matrix, Likelihood.cov.


Array with the l values of the observed modes


List of pulsation modes (of type Mode).


The number of terms in each frequency combination. The index is a cumulative index that uniquely designates one of the frequency combinations from one of the frequency combination functions. It is also the same as the second index in the coeff and indices variables.


1D int array which specifies the number of frequency combinations within each frequency combination function


Array with the n values of the observed modes


Normalised q vectors from the WhoSGlAd method (Farnir et al. 2019).

read_constraints(filename, factor=1.0)[source]

Read a file with pulsation data and constraints.

  • filename (string) – name of file with pulsation data.

  • factor (float) – multiplicative factor for pulsation frequencies. Can be used for conversions.


Absolute weight to be applied to seismic constraints


Sort the modes. The ordering will depend on the value of use_n from the file.

class AIMS.Mode(_n, _l, _freq, _dfreq)[source]

A class which describes an observed pulsation mode.

  • _n (int) – radial order of observed mode

  • _l (int) – harmonic degree of observed mode.

  • _freq (float) – pulsation frequency (in \(\mathrm{\mu Hz}\)).

  • _dfreq (float) – error bar on pulsation frequency (in \(\mathrm{\mu Hz}\)).


Negative values are not accepted for _l, _freq, or _dfreq.


Error bar on pulsation frequency (in \(\mathrm{\mu Hz}\)).


Pulsation frequency (in \(\mathrm{\mu Hz}\)).


Harmonic degree of observed mode.


Check to see if input mode has the same (n,l) values as the current mode.


a_mode (Mode) – input mode which is being compared with current mode.


True if the input mode has the same (n,l) values as the current mode.

Return type



Radial order of observed mode.


Print the mode in a human readable form.

class AIMS.Prior_list[source]

A class which contains a list of priors as well as convenient methods for adding priors and for evaluating them.


Add a prior to the list.


aPrior (Distribution) – prior which is to be added to the list.


A list of probability distributions which correspond to priors.


Return an array with realisations for each prior. The last dimension will correspond to the different priors.


size (int or tuple of ints) – shape of random variates (for each prior)


a set of realisations

Return type

numpy float array

class AIMS.Probability(_priors, _likelihood)[source]

A class which combines the priors and likelihood function, and allows the the user to evalute ln of the product of these.

  • _priors (Prior_list) – input set of priors

  • _likelihood (Likelihood) – input likelihood function


Evalulate the ln of the product of the priors and likelihood function, i.e. the probability, for a given model, to within an additive constant.


my_model (model.Model) – input model


the ln of the probability, integers indicating if the model has bee rejected based on classic constraints, seismic constraints, and/or priors

Return type

float, int, int, int


This avoids model interpolation and can be used to gain time.


Test to see if the given set of parameters lies outside the grid of models. This is done by evaluate the probability and seeing if the result indicates this.


params (array-like) – input set of parameters


True if the set of parameters corresponds to a point outside the grid.

Return type



The likelihood function.


The set of priors.

AIMS.accepted_parameters = []

list of parameters associated with accepted models

AIMS.append_osm_parameter(config_osm, name, value, step, rate, bounds)[source]

Add a parameter in xlm format in the file with the classic constraints for OSM.

  • config_osm (lxml.etree._Element) – XLM etree element to which to add the parameter

  • name (string) – name of the parameter

  • value (float) – value of the parameter

  • step (float) – parameter step (this intervenes when numerically calculating derivatives with respect to this parameter)

  • rate (float) – parameter rate (this corresponds to a tolerance on this parameter)

  • bounds (float tuple) – bounds on the parameter

AIMS.append_osm_surface_effects(modes_osm, name, numax, values)[source]

Add a method with which to calculate surface effects to the OSM contraint file.

  • modes_osm (lxml.etree._Element) – XML element to which to add the surface effects method

  • name (string) – name of the method

  • numax (float) – value of numax

  • values (float tuple) – values which intervene in the method

AIMS.autocorr_time = []

integrated autocorrelelation time (this is useful for testing convergence)

AIMS.best_MCMC_model = None

best model from the MCMC run

AIMS.best_MCMC_params = None

parameters for the model best_MCMC_model

AIMS.best_MCMC_result = -1e+300

ln(probability) result for the model best_MCMC_model

AIMS.best_age_range = 0.0

Age range on track with best_model_model

AIMS.best_grid_model = None

best model from a scan of the entire grid

AIMS.best_grid_params = None

parameters for the model best_grid_model

AIMS.best_grid_result = -1e+300

ln(probability) result for the model best_grid_model


Test the version of the EMCEE package and set the mc2 variable accordingly.

Test the values of the variables in check_configuration to make sure they’re acceptable. If an unacceptable value is found, then this will stop AIMS and explain what variable has an erroneous value.


Find a blob (i.e. supplementary output parameters) for a given set of parameters (for one model). The blob also includes the log(P) value as a first entry.


params (array-like) – input set of parameters


list of supplementary output parameters

Return type

list of floats


Scan through grid of models to find “best” model for a given probability function (i.e. the product of priors and a likelihood function).


Scan through an evolutionary track to find “best” model for prob, the probability function (i.e. the product of priors and a likelihood function).


ntrack (int) – number of the evolutionary track


the ln(probability) value, the “best” model, the parameters of accepted models, the parameters of rejected models, the age range of the track, and the numbers of models rejected due to classic constraints, seismic contraints, and priors

Return type

(float, model.Model, 2D float list, 2D float list, float, int, int, int)


Find blobs (i.e. supplementary output parameters) from a set of samples (i.e. for multiple models).


samples (list/array of array-like) – input set of samples


set of supplementary output parameters

Return type


AIMS.grid = None

grid of models

AIMS.grid_params_MCMC = ()

parameters used in the MCMC run (excluding surface correction parameters)

AIMS.grid_params_MCMC_with_surf = ()

parameters used in the MCMC run (including surface correction parameters)


Initialise the walkers used in emcee.


array of starting parameters

Return type



Carry out various interpolation tests and write results in binary format to file.


filename (string) – name of file in which to write test results.


The contents of this file may be plotted using methods from


Read a binary file with a grid of models.


filename (string) – name of file with grid in binary format


the grid of models

Return type


AIMS.log0 = -1e+300

a large negative value used to represent ln(0)

AIMS.mc2 = None

True if emcee’s version is 2 or prior

AIMS.my_map = None

pointer to the map function (either the parallel or sequential versions)

AIMS.ndims = 0

number of dimensions for MCMC parameters (includes nsurf)

AIMS.nreject_classic = 0

Number of models rejected because of classic constraints

AIMS.nreject_prior = 0

Number of models rejected based on priors

AIMS.nreject_seismic = 0

Number of models rejected because of seismic constraints

AIMS.nsurf = 0

number of surface term parameters

AIMS.output_folder = None

folder in which to write the results

AIMS.plot_distrib_iter(percentiles, labels, folder)[source]

Plot individual distribution of walkers as a function of iterations.

  • percentiles (np.array) – array with percentiles from emcee run

  • labels (list of strings) – labels for the different dimensions in parameters space

  • folder (string) – specify name of file in which to save plots of walkers.


This method must be applied before the samples are reshaped, and information on individual walkers lost.

AIMS.plot_distrib_iter_old(samples, labels, folder)[source]

Plot individual distribution of walkers as a function of iterations.

  • samples (np.array) – samples from the emcee run

  • labels (list of strings) – labels for the different dimensions in parameters space

  • folder (string) – specify name of file in which to save plots of walkers.


This method must be applied before the samples are reshaped, and information on individual walkers lost.

AIMS.plot_echelle_diagram(my_model, my_params, model_name)[source]

Produce an echelle diagram for input model.

  • my_model (model.Model) – model for which we’re making an echelle diagram

  • my_params (array-like) – parameters of the model

  • model_name (string) – name used to describe this model. This is also used when naming the file with the echelle diagram.


Plot frequencies along an evolutionary track. For debugging purposes only.


grid (Model_grid) – grid of models

AIMS.plot_frequency_diff(my_model, my_params, model_name, scaled=False)[source]

Make a diagram with frequency differences.

  • my_model (model.Model) – model for which we’re plotting frequencie differences

  • my_params (array-like) – parameters of the model

  • model_name (string) – name used to describe this model. This is also used when naming the file with the plot.

  • scaled (boolean) – if True, scale frequency differences by frequency error bars

AIMS.plot_histograms(samples, names, fancy_names, truths=None)[source]

Plot a histogram based on a set of samples.

  • samples (np.array) – samples form the emcee run

  • names (list of strings) – names of the quantities represented by the samples. This will be used when naming the file with the histogram

  • fancy_names (list of strings) – name of the quantities represented by the samples. This will be used as the x-axis label in the histogram.

  • truths (list of floats) – reference values (typically the true values or some other important values) to be added to the histograms as a vertical line

AIMS.plot_walkers(samples, labels, filename, nw=3)[source]

Plot individual walkers.

  • samples (np.array) – samples from the emcee run

  • labels (list of strings) – labels for the different dimensions in parameters space

  • filename (string) – specify name of file in which to save plots of walkers.

  • nw (int) – number of walkers to be plotted


This method must be applied before the samples are reshaped, and information on individual walkers lost.

AIMS.pool = None

pool from which to carry out parallel computations

AIMS.prob = None

Probability type object that represents the probability function which includes the likelihood and priors

AIMS.rejected_parameters = []

list of parameters associated with rejected models


Run the emcee program.


p0 (np.array) – the initial set of walkers


the emcee sampler for the MCMC run, array with walker percentiles as a function of iteration number

Return type

emcee sampler object, np.array

AIMS.statistical_model = None

model corresponding to statistical parameters

AIMS.statistical_params = None

parameters for the model statistical_model

AIMS.statistical_result = -1e+300

ln(probability) result for the model statistical_model


Create fancy title from string.


string (string) – string from which the title is created.


the fancy string title

Return type



Swaps the two first dimensions of an array. This is useful for handling the different conventions used to store the samples in emcee3 and ptemcee.


array (np.array) – input array


array with swapped dimensions

Return type


AIMS.threshold = -1e+290

threshold for “accepted” models. Needs to be greater than log0

AIMS.tight_ball_distributions = None

Prior_list type object with the distributions for the initial tight ball

AIMS.write_LEGACY_summary(filename, KIC, labels, samples)[source]

Write a one line summary of the statistical properties based on a sequence of realisations to a file. The format matches that of the LEGACY project.

The results include:

  • average values for each variable (statistical mean)

  • error bars for each variable (standard mean deviation)

  • filename (string) – name of file in which to write the statistical properties

  • KIC (string) – KIC number of the star

  • labels (list of strings) – names of relevant variables

  • samples (np.array) – samples for which statistical properties are calculated


Write list file compatible with SPInS. The quantities mass, luminosity, and radius are provided in cgs.


The header in the output file might need to be edited by hand.


Write list file compatible with SPInS. The quantities mass, luminosity, and radius are provided solar units.


The header in the output file might need to be edited by hand.

AIMS.write_binary_data(infile, outfile)[source]

Read an ascii file with a grid of models, and write corresponding binary file.

  • infile (string) – input ascii file name

  • outfile (string) – output binary file name

AIMS.write_combinations(filename, samples)[source]

Produce a list of linear combinations of grid models (based on interpolation) corresponding to the provided model parameters.

  • filename (string) – name of the file to which to write the model combinations

  • samples (np.array) – set of model parameters for which we would like to obtain the grid models and interpolation coefficients


Write list file from which to generate binary grid. Various filters can be included to reduce the number of models.


This code is intended for developpers, not first time users.

AIMS.write_model(my_model, my_params, my_result, model_name, extended=False)[source]

Write text file with caracteristics of input model.

  • my_model (model.Model) – model for which we’re writing a text file

  • my_params (array-like) – parameters of the model

  • my_result (float) – ln(P) value obtained for the model

  • model_name (string) – name used to describe this model. This is also used when naming the text file.

  • extended – if set to True, all of the theoretical modes are saved in the text file, including those not matched to observations

AIMS.write_osm_don(filename, my_model)[source]

Write file with choice of physical ingredients to be used by CESAM or CESTAM and OSM.

  • filename (string) – name of file which will contain the physical ingredients

  • my_model (model.Model) – model from which which is derived various physical constraints/settings


Written by B. Herbert.

AIMS.write_osm_frequencies(filename, my_model)[source]

Write file with frequencies for Optimal Stellar Model (OSM), written by R. Samadi.

  • filename (string) – name of file which will contain the frequencies

  • my_model (model.Model) – model from which are derived the radial orders


Written by B. Herbert.

AIMS.write_osm_xml(filename, my_params, my_model)[source]

Write file with classic constraints for OSM

  • filename (string) – name of file with classic constraints

  • my_model (model.Model) – model used in deriving some of the constraints


Originally written by B. Herbert. Includes some modifications.

AIMS.write_percentiles(filename, labels, samples)[source]

Write percentiles based on a sequence of realisations to a file. The results include:

+/- 2 sigma error bars (using the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles) +/- 1 sigma error bars (using the 16th and 84th percentiles) the median value (i.e. the 50th percentile)

  • filename (string) – name of file in which to write the percentiles

  • labels (list of strings) – names of relevant variables

  • samples (np.array) – samples for which statistical properties are calculated

AIMS.write_readme(filename, elapsed_time)[source]

Write parameters relevant to this MCMC run.


filename (string) – name of file in which to write the statistical properties

AIMS.write_samples(filename, labels, samples)[source]

Write raw samples to a file.

  • filename (string) – name of file in which to write the samples

  • labels (list of strings) – names of relevant variables (used to write a header)

  • samples (array-like) – samples for which statistical properties are calculated

AIMS.write_statistics(filename, labels, samples)[source]

Write statistical properties based on a sequence of realisations to a file. The results include:

  • average values for each variable (statistical mean)

  • error bars for each variable (standard mean deviation)

  • correlation matrix between the different variables

  • filename (string) – name of file in which to write the statistical properties

  • labels (list of strings) – names of relevant variables

  • samples (np.array) – samples for which statistical properties are calculated